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Queensland's #1 Traffic Lawyers

Free Case Review

Our Simple and Clear Process

Keeping You Informed and Achieving The Best Possible Outcome

1. Case Assessement (no charge)

Contact us by phone or web chat.
We provide you free advice on your matter and your options.

2. Meet With Us (no charge)

We meet with you either in person or by video-conferencing.
We provide more in-depth guidance on your matter and give you a fixed quote for us to represent you in court.

3. Instruct Us

We will take more information on your personal circumstances and gain a greater understanding of the events leading up to you being charged. If you are happy with our quote, pay us a small deposit and establish a payment plan. We get started on your matter and begin negotiations with Police.

4. Preparation

We thoroughly research and prepare your case and provide you with a list of material to provide us with. We engage in discussions with the prosecution to negotiate your matter wherever possible.

5. Representation

We attend all court dates either with or for you (if your appearance is not required). Once your matter is prepared and ready to be completed, we attend court with you and make strong arguments to the court to get you the best result.

6. Case Finalised

We trust you are satisfied with the result.
We explain any aspects of the court outcome to you.

Keeping You Informed and Achieving The Best Possible Outcome

1. Case Assessement (no charge)

Contact us by phone or web chat.
We provide you free advice on your matter and your options.

2. Meet With Us (no charge)

We meet with you either in person or by video-conferencing.
We provide more in-depth guidance on your matter and give you a fixed quote for us to represent you in court.

3. Instruct Us

We will take more information on your personal circumstances and gain a greater understanding of the events leading up to you being charged. If you are happy with our quote, pay us a small deposit and establish a payment plan. We get started on your matter and begin negotiations with Police.

4. Preparation

We thoroughly research and prepare your case and provide you with a list of material to provide us with. We engage in discussions with the prosecution to negotiate your matter wherever possible.

5. Representation

We attend all court dates either with or for you (if your appearance is not required). Once your matter is prepared and ready to be completed, we attend court with you and make strong arguments to the court to get you the best result.

6. Case Finalised

We trust you are satisfied with the result.
We explain any aspects of the court outcome to you.

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